We have approached that time of year of thanks, giving and reflection. We give thanks for the things we have, give to the people we love, and reflect on the year that will soon come to an end.
I would like to thank you for all your love and support over the past year plus of building Amalna Maroc! It brings me so much joy knowing that I have such a big supportive team that reaches us far a wide. Because of your support Amalna Maroc is able to grow and thrive!
Amalna Maroc has been working hard this month on fundraising. We are trying to meet our goal of $10,000. We are halfway there! We just have $5,000 to go. Thank you to those who gave to us so generously. To those who are still waiting to give you can donate here. Big or small it goes a long way. Your generous donations go to help with Amalna Maroc’s operation - wages for Amalna Maroc’s Moroccan team, transportation for cooperative visits, a new metal loom, my very modest living expenses, etc.
As I reflect on the past 13 months I am overwhelmed with joy and awe at what Amalna Maroc has accomplished in such a short amount of time. We have established a relationship with a total of seven cooperatives and helped oversee the formation of a new weaving cooperative. We are connecting cooperatives to online world markets. We are also laying down the groundwork to build a network of four weaving cooperatives in partnership with a Dutch organization. When I started this project there was a voice in the back of my head telling me “This isn't going to work. It’s too big. It’s too ambitious”. I forced myself to not allow those thoughts to cloud my vision. It was worth the try even if it fails. I reflect on the words my Moroccan sister, Fatiha, said to me on a day when that voice in my head was loud and clear: “Audrey, celebrate your accomplishments! Look at the results of what you’ve started!” Fatiha was right! Here we are, 13 months in and we are seeing the fruits of our labor and it tastes so sweet!
Christmas Gifts!
As Christmas quickly approaches, think about purchasing a rug from one of the cooperatives we work with. It’s a simple one-of-a-kind gift with a big economic impact. Purchase rugs here! Prices include shipping to the US.
Here at Amalna Maroc, we wish everyone a Happy Holidays and thanks again for all your support!
About Amalna Maroc: Amalna means “Our Hope” in Arabic. Our hope is to advance women’s development in Morocco. A primary focus of Amalna Maroc is to work with women’s cooperatives in Morocco, especially in rural areas, by providing education, resources and support that increase empowerment and economic opportunity for Moroccan women and girls.